About Hannah

Hannah is the Founder of Somaya, Lead Facilitator and Former Director of Programming at HOLOS Global, a Founding Member of Inscape Global Retreats, a Fellow with New Zealand’s Edmund Hillary Fellowship, and a Mentee of the Infamous Debbie Allen.

The Somaya Method is a product of Hannah’s life as a professional dancer, her diplomacy and peace initiatives in the Middle East, her academic studies in somatic psychology and art therapy, and is a byproduct of her personal journey in healing herself naturally of Crohn’s disease. Hannah has been taking the method around the world for the last 10 years, and has combined it with neuroplasticity for the last 5.

Hannah believes, and has seen in countless transformations, that the key to true and lasting healing is the combination of neuroplasticity and somatic release and integration. 

Hannah works with high impact leaders around the world to come home to themselves, and recenter in their life’s purpose. She also builds programs around the world for at-risk populations. Since she believes in equal access to this work, all of her impact clients are encouraged to sponsor an aligned person to work in a Somaya Signature or Somaya Retreat container. 

About Somaya

The Somaya Method is a multi-layered, science-based & tested, meditative movement methodology that releases stagnation in the body while taking us into non ordinary states of consciousness. The Somaya Experience is robust and alive, and serves a wide variety of purposes. We offer global Somaya classes, workshops, 6-12 week healing programs, and preparation, integration and personal coaching frameworks. Think of Somaya less as a distinct offering, and more as a framework for life reprogramming. Think of Somaya less as a practice, and more as a way of inhabiting your body, and inhabiting your life.

Somaya can be experienced on its own, or in combination with sacred ceremony.